VBRS IT Solutions

Enterprise Process

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State of Process in the IT Enterprise

Today's IT environment is characterized by IT leaders attempting to restructure their operations to be adaptive. They are looking towards process as one of several means to achieve this end, but they face the following constraints and limitations1:

  • Processes typically address only a segment of the full scope of IT operations. For example, IBM's Rational Unified Process (RUP) is focused on software lifecycles and the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) orients on the infrastructure.
  • Processes lack coordination, traceability to policy, and often contradict each other. For example, RUP and ITIL both define configuration and change management but with different roles, work products, and tasks.
  • Many processes are large, complex bodies of information, not easily consumable by the uninitiated. For example, classic RUP is over 3000 Web pages in length and ITIL is composed of eight publications covering a dozen plus disciplines.
  • TA majority of governance and governance-based processes are intuitive, ad-hoc, or non-existent.3 One of the primary reasons is that IT industry processes, such as RUP and ITIL, are not enabled to facilitate the integration of governance in a mature manner. For example, RUP has no mechanisms for the integration of compliance management.4 Similarly, ITIL exists in the same state but without any actionable process elements to facilitate integration of governance.5

And these are just a few of the efficiency and financial benefits that an IT-EPF can provide to an organization: the first in terms of maximizing quality and consistency of IT operations; and the second in terms of reducing overhead costs, improving profits, and increasing market value.

What is an IT Enterprise Process Framework?

Simply stated, an IT-EPF is a mechanism for abstracting the organizational processes and their various elements. Figure 1 visually presents an example of the key elements of an IT-EPF. This framework is composed of process definitions (the outermost spheres) for a sample set of IT enterprise processes, enterprise alignment and governance (the center sphere), process intersections and dependencies (the lines), and an underlying process architecture (the underlying circle) that synchronize the elements.

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